2nd Exploitation and Dissemination
Open Day Workshop
The 2nd Carbo4Power Open Day Workshop took place at Homerton College, Cambridge, UK, on the 10th October 2024 as a hybrid event. Around 60 participants registered to attend in person and online. Half of this number came from external organisations, such as: Airbus Commercial, Graphenea, Onyriq, EireComposites, IDCORE – FastBlade, Avanzare Innovación Tecnológica, EURECAT -Technology Centre, INEGI, TMBK Partners, E.G.O. Elektro-Gerätebau, Nanografi Nano Technology, Tecnalia, LEITAT Technological Center, University of Leeds, Sigmatex (UK), NOVITOM, University College London, Nanyang Technological University, Cranfield University, University of Bolton, Centro Tecnológico CTC, Brunel Composites Centre (BCC), TWI, and Simperler Consulting.
Prior to the workshop, an article announcing the event was published on the printed version of the newspaper. A more comprehensive article was published on their online version on October 27. A short news story and coverage of the event were also published on the printed and online versions of the newspaper (see below).
To see these versions, please visit the news section of the project website at this link. To have access to the online version of the article in the following link.
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1st Open Day Workshop
The first Carbo4Power Open Day Workshop took place in Cambridge, UK, on the 8th June 2023 as a hybrid event at the Bamford and Skillicorn Room, in Homerton College, Cambridge. Over 50 people registered to participate in the Open Day. Confirmed external participants to the Open Day came from the following leading organisations, research institutions and universities: Cambridge University, UCL, City, University of London, TWI, Leitat Technology Centre, Cranfield University, Fraunhofer IGCV, Fraunhofer IWM, TMBK, NanoLayr, TÜV, Cepsa energy and omya international AG, among others.