Carbon4Power 1st Exploitation & Dissemination Open Day – 8 June 2023 – SAVE THE DATE

The Carbo4Power Project is pleased to announce its 1st Exploitation and Dissemination Open Day Workshop. This event is being held in Cambridge, UK on the 8th June 2023  at Homerton College. Please SAVE THIS DATE in your diaries! For more information on the venue, agenda and registration form, please visit the dedicated page to the Workshops, from the menu above or following this link.

Carbo4Power to present at the MATCOMP23 –13 -15 June 2023 -Gijon, Spain

CIDETEC will represent Carbo4Power project at the National Congress of Composite Materials (MATCOMP), where they will give a talk entitled: “Enduring prepregs thanks to the use of dynamic epoxy resins” (“Preimpregnados “no perecederos” gracias al uso de resinas epoxi de carácter dinámico”). The XV CONGRESO NACIONAL DE MATERIALES COMPUESTOS (MATCOMP23) is taking place in Gijon, Spain from the 13th to 15th June 2023. For more details, please visit their site following this link.

Carbo4Power will be present at the JEC 2023 – 25 – 27 April 2023

The JEC 2023 is taking place in Paris from the 25-27 April. AIMEN will be participating at the with an exhibition stand, where they will represent the Carbo4Power project.

Participation at the nanoSAFE – 5-9 June 2023, Grenoble, France

IRES will represent the Carbo4Power Project at the 8th International Conference on Health and Safety Issues (nanoSAFE 2023) which will take place from 5th to 9th June 2023 in Grenoble, France.

IRES will give a presentation entitled: “Advances in Employing Nanosafety Standards in Nanomaterial Research”

Participation at the 10th International Conference for Advances in Rotor Blades for Wind Turbines – 21-22 Feb

Carbo4Power will be represented by Ore Catapult at the 10th International Conference for Advances in Rotor Blades for Wind Turbines taking place on the 21st-22nd February in Bremen. They will give a presentation entitled: “Repurposing of wind blade composite parts for use in next generation blades”.

Participation at the 4th International Symposium on Leading Edge Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades – 7.9 February 2023

The Carbo4Power partner Ore Catapult, will give a presentation entitled “The correlation of rain erosion performance and thermomechanical properties for novel LEP coatings” at the 4th International Symposium on Leading Edge Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades” held at DTU (Technical University of Denmark) on 7-9 February.

Carbo4Power to present at the Wind Turbine Blade Manufacture conference 13-15 Dec 2022

The Carbo4Power partners, Fraunhofer IFAM and ORE Catapult will represent the project at the Wind Turbine Blade Manufacture conference taking place in Düsseldorf (Germany) from 13th to 15th December 2022.
They will present the talk: Materials for erosion protection – Elastomeric coatings for leading edge protection. For more information on this event, please visit the following link.