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Carbo4Power to present at the MATCOMP23 –13 -15 June 2023 -Gijon, Spain

CIDETEC will represent Carbo4Power project at the National Congress of Composite Materials (MATCOMP), where they will give a talk entitled: “Enduring prepregs thanks to the use of dynamic epoxy resins” (“Preimpregnados “no perecederos” gracias al uso de resinas epoxi de carácter dinámico”). The XV CONGRESO NACIONAL DE MATERIALES COMPUESTOS (MATCOMP23) is taking place in Gijon, […]

Carbo4Power to present at the Wind Turbine Blade Manufacture conference 13-15 Dec 2022

The Carbo4Power partners, Fraunhofer IFAM and ORE Catapult will represent the project at the Wind Turbine Blade Manufacture conference taking place in Düsseldorf (Germany) from 13th to 15th December 2022. They will present the talk: Materials for erosion protection – Elastomeric coatings for leading edge protection. For more information on this event, please visit the […]

Carbo4Power in the news!

The project was showcased by the newspaper Heraldo from Zaragoza (Spain), in their magazine Tercer Milenio, which the Carbo4Power partner ITAINNOVA, is collaborator. To read the full article online, please visit this link.